10 New Year’s Resolutions for a Dog Gone Happy 2025: Straight from Tuxn Dog

Yo dogs! Tux’n Dog here, back with my charm and a fresh set of resolutions for 2025. It’s a new year, which means new opportunities for mischief, doggo adventures, and, of course, spreading joy to all man and ‘DogKind’.

Now for my ten resolutions for making 2025 the best year yet—dog-style!

1. Be sneakier in my quest for forbidden treasures 

This year, I resolve to refine my skills in clever sneak attacks. Whether it’s a tasty treat left too close to the edge of the counter or a shoe that looks just chewable enough, I’ll master the art of “get-it-and-go” without getting caught.

2. Launch my own brand of talking buttons 

Why let humans have all the entrepreneurial fun? I plan to launch my own brand of talking buttons, which I’ll call Tawk’n Tux’n Talking Gizmos. They’ll be stylish, functional, and perfect for dogs like me who have a lot to say.

3. Keep my mischievous puppy spirit alive 

Even though I’m growing wiser with every year, I promise never to lose my playful side. From unexpected zoomies to silly antics, I’ll keep my humans—and my fans—on their toes.

4. Convince my parents to adopt a playmate puppy 

Every queen needs a court, and I’m ready for a sidekick. I’ll use my charm and my talking buttons to talk my mom and dad into adopting a puppy for me to raise. Together, we’ll be unstoppable!

5. Campaign for freedom of speech for all dogkind 

As a vocal advocate (literally!) for canine communication, I plan to campaign worldwide for freedom of speech for all dogs. Every pup deserves the chance to press a button and tell their humans exactly what they’re thinking.

6. Learn to play the pawpan 

I’ve discovered the mesmerizing sound of the handpan, which I call the pawpan. This year, I’m not just going to play with it—I’m going to master it. Music lessons, here I come!

7. Earn enough income to buy a dream farm 

Through my social media and product ventures, I aim to make enough income to buy a beautiful farm for me and my humans. Picture it: a lake to swim in, a black Friesian horse to ride alongside, and endless fields to explore.

8. Hike around my local mountain lake three times a week 

Nothing beats a good hike, especially around my favorite mountain lake. This year, I’ll hit the trails at least three times a week, staying fit and fabulous while soaking up nature.

9. Take four interstate road trips
Adventure awaits!

I plan to embark on four epic road trips this year, exploring new places and sniffing new scents. Don’t worry—I’ll bring my fans along for the ride through videos and updates.

10. Learn more creative and funny words on my buttons 

Keeping the world laughing is no small task, but I’m up for the challenge. I’ll add even more hilarious and creative words to my talking-button vocabulary to keep everyone entertained.

There you have it—my 10 big goals for 2025. What about you? Do you have resolutions that will make your year pawsome? Share them with me, and let’s inspire each other to make 2025 unforgettable. Until next time, keep your dreams big.
Pawfully yours,
Tux’n Dog

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